The ONE Collective

Personal 1-1 channelled guidance through Bry Wilkinson

Think of the ONE collective as my spiritual team. They describe themselves as geometry, light and sound…(a beautiful expression of the Divine Matrix.

The guide I channel varies depending on the question and the questioner. Sometimes they appear as a wise old man, other times an Angel, or a master energy. The wise old man understands this earthly realm and has had many lives here.

What is of more importance, is how they feel to you, not what I see, or describe.

Guidance, Healing and Wisdom

These sessions are for those times in our lives when we need some assistance… we’ve all been there. I bring in whatever you need for clarity.

For whatever reason, you want to ask why is this happening, or what does this mean, or what are the potentials if I take this action?

Some clients come to me with no idea why they need the session, they just know they are meant to book it.

You don’t always need a burning question, just an openness to believing you’re in the right place.

Why would you need this?

Doing this for ourselves can be tricky. Our minds can often get in the way of what’s actually best for us and all those involved.

From a channelled space we are able to see the bigger picture. We are taking a look at any given situation from a neutral perspective to gain clarity.

Think of a clear, still, pool, that’s my channelling.

So when you ask a question, a pebble is dropped into that pool…the ripples are the many potentials that exist in that moment.

You will never be told what to do, the infinite probabilities and possibilities are examined (with you) and calculations made on what best lights your path.

The decision whether to act on those messages is still our choice as a soul. We are the ones living this life and we are the ones with the ultimate responsibility.

All the energies I channel, are looking for you to feel empowered from the meeting. This enables you to move forward with a greater ease and flow.

This isn’t fortune telling. It’s a powerful gathering of your spirit team and mine, for your greater good.

If it’s not in your best interest to know anything at that given time, you will be told directly. Some things are just above our pay grades.

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. - Socrates

How does it work?

 I gently place myself into an altered state of consciousness (eyes closed) to bring through whatever is relevant for you. I often use light language to tune into the vibration necessary for the session.

I only channel high vibrational Energy.

You will feel or sense it in your own way, through your own filter and have an inner knowing that’s it’s just what you need, at that given time. I encourage you to let go of labels and follow your instincts.

My session with Bry offered clarification, encouragement & validation for my work and more importantly with gentle compassion, enabled a greater opening of my heart which ushered in a higher level of frequency.

A hugely powerful session that has changed my life. I am jumping for joy!

Thank you so, so, so much Bry - A.C.

Bry is a master of holding a safe and powerful space for transformation.  Since working with him, my understanding of long-held issues dramatically increased.

I’ve integrated experiences from my past, and past lives. The comfort and peace I feel during a session is priceless.

J.N San Francisco, CA


Can I ask any questions?

Yes of course, though Divine timing does not permit some questions to be answered.

Are you an out of body channel?

I’m actually somewhere in between. The best way that I can describe it, is my consciousness goes into another room, I can hear the words being spoken, but it’s slightly muffled. Similar to a dream, I forget the whole thing once I’m fully back.

Are they online or in person?

All my sessions are conducted on the Zoom platform, it’s my preferred means of communication. All you need is the Zoom app downloaded and a good internet connection.

Do you offer healing?

The short answer is yes. The long answer is what is healing? In the channelling space we enter together, the energy is so beautiful and loving. There’s an energy flow between us that opens up so many potentials for wellness. It’s often more about wether we can let it in and feel whole.

Does your voice change when you are channelling?

My voice changes ever so slightly, though you may not even notice the difference. What you may notice is a change in the quality or energy of my voice, a particular resonance can be apparent.

How much do they cost and how long are they?

Currently priced at £111. They last up to 60 minutes and can be recorded if requested. Please be aware that sometimes I am unable to record and I believe the reasons are beyond our understanding (this is very rare).