04/04 A Shift, a rising in consciousness
A Shift, A Rising
Of the Divine
Masculine and Feminine
From the depths within
Much has already happened within the unseen energies
You have felt this coming for some time and have been in preparation for these moments
This shift in frequency is one of many
It is and will bring up much to purge and is effecting all
As the frequency steps up incrementally (you are never given more than you can handle), you will be invited to be clearer and clearer within
Empty yet full
Less doing, more being
Much has been distorted on the planet and as you bring self into balance the external will follow
In this shift your physical bodies are also being upgraded, this will enable the unseen to gradually reveal itself to you
The veil is a construct generated by polarity thinking
This mind matrix of separation is what is dissolving
If it collapsed too quickly it would create a wave of psychic shock that would be detrimental to the evolution of the planet
The way forward is inward, gently, through the centre of being
We cannot promise to smooth the ride, only assist in the journey